By Afia (Born on Friday) June
If the rainbow is not enuf For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide
then Colored girls
Have not considered the rainbow

The miracle is that the rainbow is just like her
Colored and curved
Made from the stuff of waterfalls
And i thought about clouds
when i was not enuf
then considered the rainbow
because each color has a different wavelength
When u know who u r b anything else?
no one could reach me
no matter how close
now they see me
now they don’t
my color
my curve
Like blue lights bouncing out of raindrops
sister to the storm and rain
a distant cousin to the sunshine
from fog and sea spray
from waterfalls
could form right in front of you
and still you will only see a piece of me
i thought about clouds
when i was not enuf
and considered myself a rainbow